CHAOTIC NOISE PRODUCTIONS (C.N.P.), SUPPRESSION, OOZING MEAT, BERMUDA TRIANGLES, BROWN PISS, MASTICATED POLYPS, MUTWAWA, GORMANDIZING ORDURE, RECTAL PUS, and friends...cassette, CD, and vinyl releases, downloads, videos, art, illustrations, screen prints/ shirt designs, etc. Based in Richmond, VA
Monday, July 30, 2012
Free SUPPRESSION tracks!!!!
I just posted 6 SUPPRESSION tracks from various eras of the band on our FMA page, dig it:
1. Elite/ Stranglehold/ Enema (originally from the Despise You split 7 inch on Slap A Ham)
2. Seal Of Approval (from SPEED FREAKS 3 7 inch comp. on Knot Music)
3. Gangland Bodystack'em/ Human Fear (from Reality 2 comp. LP on Deep Six)
4. Collaboration with CRANK STURGEON (from split with MISOPSYCHIA on Nat Records)
5. Dickless In Heaven (original version, unreleased)
6. Wow (from Killer Workout Mix on C.N.P.)